Recommended walk Goods

I think walking toy poodle, and many owners of the idea that "time to the toilet." But it is also a valuable time to enhance communication with the owners who have a dog walk and other dogs. Therefore, I try to walk more comfortable and enjoyable time with the dog in how to keep you vigilant. So, I will introduce goods convenient to walk to help when the toy poodle.

Bag for dog walking bag ... walk, there are different kinds of things. Such as being a carry bag carry bags shoulder or type tote type, pets, bags and 3 ways type, and those that are working hard to get dirty, and can have a pet holder or have a lot of pockets, useful for a walk bag that has been devised to is most.

When you walk ... Hung clean up and paper to create a separate plastic bag to pick up after the Hun is not it a bit cumbersome? But there are goods that can be easily clean up the droppings annoying like that. What can be paper bags and plastic bags have become integrated, flowing through the flush toilet left bag without getting your hands dirty is because they are selling, please pick the one convenient for the dog and the owner most.

I think the "smell", is worrisome when you take a stroll at the time of the Hun ... manners porch. What recommendations at such time, but it is manners porch. Devised to contain the smell of dung, do not leak to the outside is. Some are so attached to a lead, it is very useful. This way, you can walk comfortably.

Will not take place or smell it or leave it alone and would be discolored, the dog's pee pee ... clean up, I put away or cause rust. Convenient to goods, some just to pee over, the effect is to prevent or rust or have to clean up pee deodorant effect.

To take advantage of such goods, please try to defend how to keep rules and manners.

Be Kind

It would be many people who think that people have kept a toy poodle, and is unbearably cute dog, people of the world does not mean I like all dogs. People and scary people, once you step outside ... people dog allergies, out, dog encounters various people hate. Firmly observe the manners, how to keep in mind the moderation, I will enjoy a comfortable life with the toy poodle. So, on keeping a toy poodle, I mentioned manners you want to know a minimum.

The park is a place where small children and the elderly, etc., various ways to take advantage. Therefore, you can release the dog park has been observed rarely. Even a dog that is well trained, dogs to be free to remove the lead, was happy not to take any action with or expected. Moreover, it is also dangerous to long lead, I'll check around well. If you want to run full blast, I will go to the dog run.

If you visit with them in the toy poodle is your friend, I'll keep the other party waiting at the door until they are allowed to enter. It is not to be put in hand to others in the indoor dog house. Also, restaurants and hotels that are available accompanied by a dog, we are pleased to welcome a dog that has been trained to be not sit quietly at the feet of the owners for a long time. In Japan is still small places where you can bring your dog. I think if they can be how to keep their owners were firmly defend the manners, the dog is allowed in facilities will increase.

I feel very annoying bark owners might not mind too much, and the smell of the dog for the neighborhood. In particular, such as condominiums and housing complexes, the smell becomes a problem. In order not to be in trouble, where the smell is not set up to reach around, dog toilet will always keep clean. You can also have put the dog on the doorstep of the house, or when talking on the inside of the door of her house, he can not enter very afraid for those who do not like the dog.

"Herniated disc" prone to Toy Poodle

Now spend a toy poodle, but you need to know how to discipline and how to keep right, I'll know not only that, but also to many diseases toy poodle. Here, I will focus on "herniated disc."

Disc herniation is also famous for many diseases in humans. If the toy poodle seems to often become obese or lack of exercise, or if you exercise intensely, it becomes herniated disc.

The burden on working intervertebral disc of the spine to support the head and torso, as a cushion, there would collapse, disc herniation is to become a gel-like state in which the nucleus pulposus in came out. Nucleus pulposus ran out, so now put pressure on the spinal cord, pain and out of the paralysis soon.

Or limp when walking, or hind legs wobbly, as the symptoms of this disease, I would like to or incontinence. Often seems to back aches, mild stage, it will がり pain just a little touched. Such a situation was observed, try to visit the hospital immediately. Early detection and treatment can lead to cure, also reduces the stress your dog.

Cause in accordance with the herniated disc, such as deformation of the intervertebral disc of obesity from lack of exercise, strenuous exercise, due to aging of the bones and the like. If severe, it may be surgically removed bone part of the deformation, in which case, it takes time to become healthy body.

In everyday life and to take physical contact to toy poodle, please try to allow early detection. In particular, it is easier to gain weight when subjected to surgical castration or sterilization, to exercise as much as possible, and also watch out for a meal, I need how to keep that health care for the Toy Poodle.

Attempt to prevent "periodontal disease"

But it is not confined to toy poodle, one of the diseases that predispose a dog is "periodontal disease." I will need to know about how to keep a dog as periodontal disease. In addition, because it is easy, especially with a tartar, toy poodle is so prone to periodontal disease.

And to leave it was attached to the tooth, such as scum but ate meals and snacks, I will be hard to remove tartar and become calcified over time. Bad breath or tighten further tartar buildup, gum or I become poor.

Becomes worse, since it can reach the intestines bacteria adhering to the calculus may enter into the blood, causing serious internal disease, I should not be left alone calculus. If tartar has gone stick, do not try to take by force, will leave it to vet. Owner is very trying to take by force, are hurt the gums.

Disciplined and accustomed to not hate to avoid the trouble of these teeth, also be put in the person's finger in the mouth since he was a puppy, to allow toothpaste to smooth, brush their teeth after meals " Let that habit of ".

Also, just to give a soft, the force becomes weak because the bite, I'll eat some snack harder. Toys for dogs, it is also a toy toothpaste that can reduce plaque and tartar while you are chewing, please try to take advantage of such a toy.

Baby teeth is not released easily, because plaque would accumulate in the gap made between the permanent teeth, I would have pulled the baby teeth may consult the vet. In this way, we may not know how to keep, such as illness or a toy poodle, is safe and talk to your vet.

About "epiphora"

Disease also often the toy poodle, I'll know how to keep as a toy poodle. Here, I will introduce "epiphora".

The most common disease often No. 1 toy poodle, is about the eyes. Among them, the most common is the "disease lacrimation", sometimes referred to as "burning tears" alias. Epiphora is a disease that occurs tube that will shed a tear or clogged, or it is narrower. In some cases, in order to be associated with itching, would cause conjunctivitis by scratching.

Since the state is flowing always tears, flowing hair of the portion that has wet hair may become discolored. In particular, toy poodle coat color is bright, discolored patch is conspicuous. Also, I have discolored hair at a time, then I will not return to the beautiful original color.

If the toy poodle, the genetic causes of congenital epiphora is most. It is said that the development of the eye may also slow compared with other breeds, toy poodle, it will take about two years until the eye is fully grown. Therefore, it seems in some cases will be made to heal disease grows tears flowing in the meantime.

When symptoms are concerned, it is safe and have a look at Mr. veterinarian. Follow the instructions of the veterinarian, may also be improved by the instillation or I'll wipe your tears or frequently, were prescribed, and to the cleaning of the eyelids. However, if you or too dry, it is also possible that concomitant dermatitis, and let us be careful.

As well as to how to keep a toy poodle, not to have a difficult time in the dog, we'll keep a good understanding about the disease as well.

How to Shampoo

I think toy poodle hair and round and round because it is, and there are some people who do not know how good the shampoo. Therefore, as how to keep a toy poodle, we introduce how to shampoo.

Shampoo intended for dogs are sold, that is a different type. We will be able to select and shampoo for puppy shampoo and dedicated indoor dog, by a variety of applications

Shampoo, you do not need to until about 60 days of age. Puppy of this time, I'll be wiped gently with a towel or steamed. Shampoo for the first time, the time you have finished vaccination is a good idea.

The purpose of the shampoo, because it may be not only remove dirt, get rid of ticks and fleas, and other parasites, as the frequency will do about twice a month. Also, if you shampoo too often, since it gives a burden on the skin, too much washing I will not.

Because the hair is easy to tangle, to brushing before making the shampoo, that you want to be careful when you shampoo to toy poodle, hair I'll not to tangle. You will also start to prepare for the shampoo and towel dryer.

Do not get in eyes, nose, and so as not released from the toy poodle a shower head, better head over from hot water slowly, please wet the entire body. Over the entire shampoo directly without using, dilute it with hot water, we will continue to wash in the ball of the finger while massaging gently.

Not leave the shampoo was washed away, the next step is performed in the same way as a rinse. We wash rinse wiping, moisture squeezed out by hand first, so as to cover the body with a towel. The spray for grooming while you still have a little moisture, I finish with cold and dry it in a dryer with a brush melted.

Ingestion measures

I do not go to build a good relationship with fun toy poodle cute, and you do not understand how to keep proper discipline firmly. As how to keep a dog, here, I want you to know absolutely covered for "ingestion".

To act within the scope of the toy poodle, and not place, we will always check whether or not dangerous if you fall in the mouth. So, as it has in everyday life, I include those dangerous if swallowed.

Excretion that can be swallowed or tissue paper is ... if a small amount, but do not worry too much, there is a risk that is "intestinal obstruction" if you eat a lot of paper at once.

I would cause addiction is very dangerous and eaten whole tobacco ... tobacco, and drank the water contained in the ashtray of cigarette butts. Let's not put the ashtray on the range of activities toy poodle.

Such as food wrap that had been covered with a plastic bag ... the smell is so delicious, you may accidentally eaten. Then, there is a fear that the obstruction in the intestine jammed.

Dog poisoning and eat onion and green onion, and chocolate. These Allium is that I broke the red blood cells become oxygen deficient, chocolate can cause vomiting and significant impact arrhythmia, and heart failure. In particular, small dog toy poodle, it is dangerous to just eat in small quantities.

Chicken bone that has been heated ... chicken bone destination because it pointed thin torn and dog bite, if swallowed, there is a fear that damage the esophagus and stomach. Therefore, let's not give the dog chicken bones.

How to keep a toy poodle, any chance I'll know first aid in case you accidentally swallowed.

What it called when, how much or swallowed is important. It is because those may induce vomiting, while others do not induce vomiting.

Induce vomiting and a good one is "a small round thing" is "something sharp" things that do not induce vomiting. There is a risk that if you try to force things pointed spit, they damage the internal organs.

If you swallowed a small thing, a little water to drink and a high concentration of salt, sometimes spit me. However, if the time has passed since they swallow, so a very dangerous condition, please ask to see a vet immediately.

The method of "Leaders Walk"

To have fun with toy poodle dog, I should not know how to keep not correct. Because they may want to know some about the walk, here, we introduce the "Leaders Walk" during the walk.

The "leader Walk" is to walk according to the owner is the leader for the dog. Dog walking or standing at the time of the walk ahead, such action or caught in the mood for a dog is proof that the dog owners do not follow. In particular, they like to have is a small toy poodle body, may result in severe injury or would be in trouble and so big dog, or a nuisance to passers. By practicing the walk leader at the time of the walk, you are able to such trouble to ensure that does not happen. At the same time, you can How to keep master-servant relationship in terms of life again.

The important thing is, is that "human beings to limit the dog's behavior" that a leader walk. An attempt was made to walk the dog standing on its own before, so I could not go ahead stop there. Also, please bend on the opposite side of the dog was trying to turn. I mean, it is important to understand that the authority to determine the destination dog is said to be the owner only.

Also, to limit the actions a leader walk, I should not make eye contact with the dog. If you recognize the power of human beings have been suppressed, I would like to think distrust fear humans.

Distrust of owners may become strong, we need to be careful here, as that you must not suppress by force the dog's behavior, are or tug at, you just can now repel is. It is to limit the behavior is that they stop the movement so that the dog can not act on its own.

You will know and keep repeating the walk leader like this, will come gradually changed attitude of the dog. Because I understand a dog "must keep up with this man." At the same time, I will be like walking into the eye of the owner at the time of the walk with it.

Point of the walk

In order to build a relationship with the smooth toy poodle, you must have a good understanding of how to keep discipline and. Among them, I will introduce the point where you can walk well.

You can take a walk is a very important time to be an experience that can not be at home and the dog owner. However, if you do not know how to walk right, I would not be able to be well behaved. In particular, many pet owners would be how to keep that spoiled, very cute toy poodle, the breed is said to be reluctant to go out, can not walk smoothly.

Just look at the dog and owners during the walk, enough to be able to determine how much is the master-servant relationship between the two, a walk and is a mirror that reflects the relationship between the two.

Walk for the first time, when I was 2~3 weeks second vaccine immunization is over is a good idea. However, some children may suddenly attached collar and lead that never gave up until now, I can not walk quite surprised.

I want you to be careful when you put the collar is to enter Allowing a margin of about one finger between the collar and the dog's neck. It would be too tight and painful suffocation, I would come out collar too loose. In particular, the body becomes larger every day in the case of a puppy, please give be checked once every three days and that it is not tight collar.

As you get to know your collar, beginning Let me take you to the garden. We are guided gently and say "Come!" At first, I may induce citing snack.

The outside world has turned so that his exit from gradually, I would like to know "walk fun with their owners," that it is. Therefore, by, for example, pull the lead, trying to walk should never force it. At first, it may want to go to the dog, we'll tell you the joy of the outside world first.