Ingestion measures

I do not go to build a good relationship with fun toy poodle cute, and you do not understand how to keep proper discipline firmly. As how to keep a dog, here, I want you to know absolutely covered for "ingestion".

To act within the scope of the toy poodle, and not place, we will always check whether or not dangerous if you fall in the mouth. So, as it has in everyday life, I include those dangerous if swallowed.

Excretion that can be swallowed or tissue paper is ... if a small amount, but do not worry too much, there is a risk that is "intestinal obstruction" if you eat a lot of paper at once.

I would cause addiction is very dangerous and eaten whole tobacco ... tobacco, and drank the water contained in the ashtray of cigarette butts. Let's not put the ashtray on the range of activities toy poodle.

Such as food wrap that had been covered with a plastic bag ... the smell is so delicious, you may accidentally eaten. Then, there is a fear that the obstruction in the intestine jammed.

Dog poisoning and eat onion and green onion, and chocolate. These Allium is that I broke the red blood cells become oxygen deficient, chocolate can cause vomiting and significant impact arrhythmia, and heart failure. In particular, small dog toy poodle, it is dangerous to just eat in small quantities.

Chicken bone that has been heated ... chicken bone destination because it pointed thin torn and dog bite, if swallowed, there is a fear that damage the esophagus and stomach. Therefore, let's not give the dog chicken bones.

How to keep a toy poodle, any chance I'll know first aid in case you accidentally swallowed.

What it called when, how much or swallowed is important. It is because those may induce vomiting, while others do not induce vomiting.

Induce vomiting and a good one is "a small round thing" is "something sharp" things that do not induce vomiting. There is a risk that if you try to force things pointed spit, they damage the internal organs.

If you swallowed a small thing, a little water to drink and a high concentration of salt, sometimes spit me. However, if the time has passed since they swallow, so a very dangerous condition, please ask to see a vet immediately.